Gatekeepers (Singapore)

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Event Details

Dear Gatekeepers & Friends,


Singapore will soon become a 'super-aged' nation as defined by the United Nations. Statistics show that one in four Singaporeans will be over 65 years old by 2030 compared with one in six currently. This means that the number of Singaporeans over 65 years of age will soon surpass a million. With a longer lifespan, how are Singaporeans coping?

Many are lost or struggling with various issues - from finances and health to loss of identity and lacking purpose in life.

A British historian, Peter Laslett, said that one's life comprises four ages, and the culmination is in the Third Age. According to Laslett, the Third Age is generally an era after retirement with health, vigour, and a positive attitude - an era for personal achievement and fulfillment after retirement.

God has a purpose for everyone in all seasons of life. And the Third Age will be just as glorious, if not, even more glorious than any other season.

We welcome all Third Agers, as long as you feel you are a Fighting Fifty, or Swinging Sixty, or Savvy Seventy to join us on 30 August 2023 at Sentosa and discover for yourself 'What a Wonderful World.' Be inspired by this Louis Armstrong song as you uncover how to live life to the fullest.

Hear Dr. Tan Soo Inn, a Third Ager, take you on a journey of discovery of 'What a Wonderful World.'

Fiery 77-year-old Director of the Association of Banks in Singapore, Ms Ong Ai Boon who plans to work till age 95, will share her zest for life and God's purpose for her in this season. She has just launched her book, 'It's Not Me,' a revealing account of how God transformed her.

Isaiah Chng, a young Singaporean founder of ProAge and Empower Ageing, will share some practical handles on empowering third-agers.

The meeting is open to all who consider themselves a Third Ager, irrespective of faith. The young are also welcome if they are accompanying third-agers.



Registration Closing Date: 25 August 2023, 2359


We look forward to seeing you there!


Georgie Lee | John Lim

Chairman, Council of Elders | Chairman, The Third Age Movement

Gatekeepers Singapore

*Event details are subject to change


Ong Ai Boon (Director of The Association of Banks in Singapore)

Ong Ai Boon

Director of The Association of Banks in Singapore

Isaiah Chng (Founder, Director & Principal Consultant of ProAge and Empower Aging)

Isaiah Chng

Founder, Director & Principal Consultant of ProAge and Empower Aging

Rev. Tan Soo-Inn (Director of Graceworks)

Rev. Tan Soo-Inn

Director of Graceworks

Member Ticket

Member PriceS$50

Non-Member Ticket

Standard PriceS$60

Couple Ticket (2 Tickets)

This ticket are for individuals registering in pairs.

Standard PriceS$100



Oasia Resort Sentosa
Beach View Road 23

The Aloes Ballroom, Level 1

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