Gatekeepers (Singapore)

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Dear Gatekeepers,

Most Third Agers belong to the Baby Boomer Generation. Thanks to strong economic growth over the past few decades, many are enjoying a standard of living never seen before.

However, many of them carry with them the orphan spirit, arising from absentee fathering. Their fathers were too pre-occupied with bringing bread to the table.

In Malachi 4:5-6, the Bible tells us God will send us the prophet, Elijah before the second coming of our Lord Jesus to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that God will not come and strike the land with a curse.

We believe the next wave of harvest of souls will come from turning the hearts of fathers to their children. But that cannot happen with a nation of orphan fathers.

The challenge is to first raise fathers who are aligned with the Father Heart of God.

On 26th October 2023, we have Frank Nea to share with us on the Father Heart of God.

Fatherheart ministries was founded by James and Denise Jordan, and Jack and Dorothy Winter. Fatherheart Ministries is a global community of people walking together in the Father's Love and working together to bring this Love to the world

Join us on 26 Oct from 7.30 to 9.30pm at Orchard Rendezvous Hotel where Frank Nea will share with us how we too can experience the love of the Father and begin a whole new journey of discovering the depth of His love for you and me!


Frank Nea (School Leader at The International Fatherheart Ministries)

Frank Nea

School Leader at The International Fatherheart Ministries

Standard Ticket

Standard PriceComplimentary



Orchard Rendezvous Hotel, Singapore
1 Tanglin Rd, Singapore 247905
Antica Ballroom, Level 2


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