Gatekeepers (Singapore)

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This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Gatekeepers (Singapore) events.

Event Details

Come 18 - 20 August, Gatekeepers will be launching our inaugural School of Gatekeepers.

Don't miss out on the chance to be part of Gatekeepers Singapore's pioneer batch of School of Gatekeepers!

As valued members of Gatekeepers, we are thrilled to invite you to this event filled with fellowship, personal growth, and a deep exploration of God's heart and our identity in Him.

This retreat is heavily subsidised and will include:

๐Ÿ‘‘1 year free membership for early bird sign ups

๐Ÿจ3 day 2 night stay

๐ŸAll meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) provided

๐Ÿ“Conference Package fees

๐ŸŽ“Graduation ceremony

Early Bird Price: Single - $650 | Double - $550 (plus 1 year free membership per sign up)

Standard Registration: Single - $750 | Double - $650


Early Bird Closing Date: 17 July 2023, 2359

Registration Closing Date: 25 July 2023, 2359

During this event, you will understand the Father's heart, receive your personal blueprint for marketplace success and learn how to discern & carry a Kingdom Worldview.

Through the various sessions and bonding times, you will engage in meaningful discussions with other Gatekeepers and our invited guest speakers.

Non-Members are invited to sign up during the early bird!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at

We hope you will be able to join us in this event and we look forward to seeing you there!


Gatekeepers Singapore


Evangeline Lee (Co-Opted Member at Gatekeepers Singapore)

Evangeline Lee

Co-Opted Member at Gatekeepers Singapore

Georgie Lee (Immediate Past National President at Gatekeepers Singapore)

Georgie Lee

Immediate Past National President at Gatekeepers Singapore

Sherman Ng (National President at Gatekeepers Singapore)

Sherman Ng

National President at Gatekeepers Singapore

YeeFarn Phua (Board Member at Gatekeeper Singapore)

YeeFarn Phua

Board Member at Gatekeeper Singapore

Mario Singh (Vice-President, Operations at Gatekeepers Singapore)

Mario Singh

Vice-President, Operations at Gatekeepers Singapore

Ian Toh (Vice-President, Administration at Gatekeepers Singapore)

Ian Toh

Vice-President, Administration at Gatekeepers Singapore

Jeff Yuen (Founder & Senior Pastor of Soakability Church)

Jeff Yuen

Founder & Senior Pastor of Soakability Church

SOG Standard (Single Room)

Standard PriceS$750

SOG Standard (Double Room)

Standard PriceS$650



Changi Cove
Cranwell Road 351

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please send an email to

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